Human Becoming
Human Becoming is a weekly podcast that explores the ins and outs, the good, the bad and the ugly, of what it means to be(come) human. From tackling shame to embracing our anger, this podcast aims to bring you closer to yourself - to what experiences have shaped you and your story, and how you can embrace your own humanity. This podcast is hosted by Tumi Moloto, a human (and healer) becoming, a passionate historian and storyteller, a non-binary, queer African, and a lover of humanity. In their time here on earth, they hope to show humanity that there is another way forward, that moves us away from disconnection, capitalism and collective trauma, towards belonging, compassion, and collective healing. This podcast is the story of their rumbles with the complexity of their own humanity. As they take you along on the journey of their becoming, they hope that the stories shared will give you greater insight into yours.
Human Becoming
the somatics of break ups
We are wired for connection.
We are attachment-oriented beings.
What happens when our attachment relationships are disrupted or severed?
This episode is all about the somatics of attachment: how our earliest attachment strategies develop, and how to support ourselves when they get activated.
Break ups can be REALLY challenging for our bodies and nervous systems. My hope is that this episode supports you in meeting yourself with tenderness, compassion and care as you navigate attachment upsets!