Human Becoming

I wish for a world where men can be free part one

Tumi Season 6 Episode 2

In this two-part episode, I navigate the complex terrain that men find themselves walking in 2023. 

I talk about the ways that the patriarchy robs men of the opportunity to know themselves deeply and to be known, to embrace all sides of themselves - their emotions, their vulnerabilities, their fears, and their humanity. 

I talk specifically about the ways that this has impacted my relationship with men, and how men are often asked to choose between intimacy, connection, and vulnerability on the one hand - and power, wealth, and domination on the other. This creates a world where so many of us do not get to experience the beauty and life-giving potential of being in loving relationships with men.

I also look towards a future, where men can be free, and explore what that would look like - and how we get there.